Mountain refuge to be installed in the centre of Grenoble

Monday, 12 June 2017

In the French Alps, a new project is underway to bring mountains closer to the people. The mountain refuge of Lac du Pavé in the Oisans massif, which is a part of the Ecrins National Park, is going to be renovated, but instead of building it directly in the mountains away from the eyes of the public, the French federation of Alpine clubs, National syndicate of refuge keepers and the local community have chosen a more original approach: they will first build it in the city centre of Grenoble, before moving it to its permanent position at the Lac du Pavé in the Ecrins.

The refuge is scheduled to be installed in Grenoble in the spring of 2019 for a period of two to three months, and it will offer its visitors the complete experience of spending a night amongst the peaks. In addition, conferences and events touching various aspects of mountains and mountaineering will be organised. The project, coordinated by the Syndicat des gardiens de refuge and Coordination montagne, will kick off at the end of June. Different stakeholders from the fields of mountaineering and tourism are welcome to participate.

For more information on the project, go here (article in French).

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