“Alpine Protected Areas 2030 – A Shared Vision for the Future”

Thursday, 10 December 2015

A look back at the October Workshop held in the Berchtesgaden National Park /D.

In the framework of the 20th Anniversary of ALPARC, from 12th to 13th October 2015, representatives from the Alpine protected areas were invited to the Haus der Berge visitor center in the Berchtesgaden National Park (Germany) to take part in the workshop entitled “Alpine Protected Areas 2030 – A Shared Vision for the Future”.

The workshop enabled thirty or so participants from all the Alpine countries to share their vision of the issues they will have to face in the coming years, while at the same time reflecting on what are the priorities for international cooperation in the Alps and inside the ALPARC network.
Several priorities and new challenges emerged during the discussions which were led by Andreas Götz.  Among other considerations, the participants expressed an obvious need for the coming years: the Alpine protected areas must play a key role in communication and heightening awareness in order to (re) establish the link between Man and Nature.

Concerning the role of the ALPARC network, several priorities and wishes were raised. In the years to come, ALPARC must increasingly be a permanent platform of exchange between the protected areas, by mutualising and sharing skills, experiences and innovative practices. The ALPARC network must also be the true voice of the Alpine protected areas by bringing their interests and needs on the Alpine and European level. Various suggestions were made as to the tools to be used (continued organisation of thematic conferences, leading working groups, web platform, etc…).

One thing is sure: in the years to come, ALPARC must continue too be an active, living network, while keeping humans at the centre of its actions and concerns.

The fundamental concepts brought out at the workshop are in the process of being included in the ALPARC work strategy and in the new communication strategy. All the cited documents, together with the new communication strategy, will be presented officially at the ALPARC General Assembly on 22nd January, 2016.

The Workshop was held on the sidelines of the ALPARC Council, on 14th October 2015, and of the 59th meeting of the Permanent Committee of the Alpine Convention which was held on 15th and 16th October 2015.

ALPARC - The Alpine Network of Protected Areas

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