YOUrALPS: Alp(en)traum

The short video "Alpine Dream - Alpine Nightmare" (original title: Alp(en)traum) is about a hiker who discovers an untouched landscape. He takes pictures with his smartphone and posts them on the Internet. His posts reach a large number of people. Different investors start developing numerous business ideas for the area. The original untouched landscape and quietness has to give way to a noisy and colorful amusement park. After a few years the hiker comes back and notices the landscape changed completely.

What do you think might be the reactions to his current pictures of the landscape on the Internet? To see the answer - Watch the video!

The short video has been developed by Berchtesgaden National Park in the frame of the Interreg Alpine Space project YOUrALPS.


ALPARC - The Alpine Network of Protected Areas

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