20 partners , representing about 60 protected areas from 6 Alpine States, will present all together on the European Day of Parks, the 24th of May 2012, the multivision show of the Alpine protected areas network ALPARC .
With the duration of about 20 minutes, the multivision is addressed to a wide public and invites everybody, through music and pictures, to discover the diversity of the Alpine protected areas, the Alpine landscapes and cultures as well as its cultural heritage.
The 20 project partners will organise from the 24th of May on, a projection of the multivision show in their regions, especially during the following summer months. An Alpine-wide presentation of the multivison is planned for the Alpine Week , in September 2012.
Please notice that the multivison will be placed at the disposal of all protected areas of the ALPARC network for projection in each information centre and during events.
For further information or questions, please contact: marie.stoeckel@alparc.org