30 of April 2012: bear M13 were run over by a train
The bear M13 survived the collision with the train of Rhätischen Bahn (RhB). By this incident, the GPS transmitter, the bear was equipped with, destroyed.
2nd of May: bear may be evidenced in Oberengadin
Rangers of the national park could find traces of a bear in the area S-chanf at the 2nd of May. One day later, the 3rd of May, traces were also found in Bever. So for the first time a bear could have been seen in Oberengadin. Until now it is not for sure which bear has been sighted. It cannot be excluded that it was the bear M13, which is still in Unterengadin since his collision with the train.
Communiqué de presse complet en allemand, 7 mai 2012
Suisse National Park