

ALPARC podpira sodelovanje

med zavarovanimi območji Alpskega loka za trajnostno upravljanje, spoštljivo do naravnih virov


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ALPARC je Mreža zavarovanih območij v Alpah, kipovezuje več sto alpskih zavarovanih območij vseh vrst, od Francije do Slovenije.
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Two New Visitor Centres in the Alpine Protected Areas

0, 07.08.2014

Two new visitor centres  have just opened their doors : the entirely renovated Maison du Parc national des Ecrins (FR) in Vallouise,   and the Champorcher  Visitor Centre in the   Mont Avic  Nature Park (IT). MG 0105

The new Champorcher Visitor Centre in the Mont Avic Nature Park (Italy)
This new visitor centre was inaugurated on 1st August 2014 in the “Villa Biamonti” , a former early 20th century tourist centre which has now been entirely renovated. It contains a totally interactive exhibition where the geological and biological aspects of mountain habitats are shown.

During the inauguration, a new 1:25.000 scale map of the park was presented and a new application for Smartphone: the “Parco Mont Avic” APP was launched. With the Mont Avic “App” visitors have on their Smartphone a guide to the hikes in the park and all the useful information about refuges. The application can be downloaded for free for iPhone and Android.
For more information visit this page:     QA-MontAvic STANDARD


The new Maison du Parc national des Ecrins in Vallouise (France)

In an entirely renovated building, with a totally revamped layout, the new Maison du Parc de Vallouise opened its doors on 4th June 2014.

Maison du Parc national des Ecrins - Vallouise
The new building was officially inaugurated on 5th July by Ségolène Royal, the minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy. The Minister defined the new house as “remarkable and exemplary”.

The park can be explored on 3 large “floors”: the Durance valley, the mountain pastures and forests, and, finally, the peaks and glaciers. The exhibition is made up of sound tales, games, interactive parts, multimedia, tactile models, more traditional panels… so many complementary media that will let visitors discover and share in the heritage of the valley. A layout  with  every member of the public in mind : families, children and with accessibility for the four types of  disability.


For more information visit this page: QA - Ecrins quadri txt violet

To find out about the other visitor centres of the Alpine Protected Areas, visit the dedicated page ALPARC!

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