The proposal to close the Valsesia park is misleading

0, 29.06.2021

The crisis of the regional park of Valsesia in Piemonte led Federparchi's President Giampiero Sammuri and its vice president Agostino Agostinelli take a clear position regarding the present situation of regional parks in Italy:

"The crisis of the regional park of Valsesia, is an indicator of the serious state of malaise of many regional parks throughout Italy, many of which, despite their enormous wealth of biodiversity and naturalistic treasures, have severe financial and organizational difficulties. We believe that, in the face of legitimate criticisms advanced by the Community of the park in a letter sent to the Region, an intervention is needed. This intervention shall start from a careful analysis of the causes for the "serious inactivity", to the identification of possible solutions while implying the financial endowments by the Region that allow an effective and efficient management of the Entity.

The decision to "close the park" would be a misleading solution, worse than the non-activity that is reported and could have serious repercussions on nature protection.

The presidents are sure that the dialogue with all concerned stakeholders, the institutional ones but also association and territorial agents, allows for a new phase which will relaunch the Valsesia - Alta Valle Park Strona. This precious common good needs to be safeguarded for the conservation of its wonders of nature."

See original article (in Italian):

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