The “National Park Spirit” Brand

0, 19.05.2015

The French National Parks have just created a new brand. Named the “National Park Spirit”, it has been created to support the economic actors installed on their territory. The aim of this initiative: to promote the tourism products of the territory which contribute to the preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the parks.

The 10 French National Parks are concerned by this brand, including the 3 Alpine parks: the Ecrins, Mercantour and Vanoise Parks.

What is the purpose of this brand?
With this brand, the National Park lends its positive image to products or services that meet the criteria of sustainable development and a strong local anchorage. Professionals awarded this brand will be able to differentiate themselves in the eyes of those members of the public who are motivated by the preservation of the environment and the preservation and discovery of the local heritage. Furthermore, this contract arrangement will make it possible to develop a solid partnership between the National Park and the actors of the territory.

The advantages and benefits are:
- The right to use the brand and the valorisation of the partnership with the National Park.
-  Support in the use of the brand (training, labels, posters, welcoming tools, etc.).
-  Actions in communication and local and national promotion of the approved products and services.

The implementation of the brand is within the framework of the regulations governing generic use which specify the general terms of use and the procedures to be followed by socio-professionals who wish to work in partnership with the National Parks.


For all details: Ecrins National Park - Mercantour National Park

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