ASSOCIATION ALPARC – Together for the Alps

Mercoledì, 23 Gennaio 2013

 After 17 years of activity, ALPARC was formed on January 18 as association to formalize its network and further strengthen transalpine cooperation and international projects.

ALPARC includes all management bodies of protected areas in the perimeter of the Alpine Convention and is the largest federation of protected areas in the Alps. 

The constituent assembly was held on January 18, 2013 at Pralognan-la-Vanoise. It was attended by 34 protected areas founding members of the association. The two French alpine regions: Rhône-Alpes and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur have also confirmed their commitment to ALPARC to support international cooperation of their protected areas. ALPARC counts since the beginning of its creation as an association a third of protected areas with personnel managers in their structure. Its members come from all Alpine countries.

ALPARC, the Alpine Network of Protected Areas, in fact cooperated since 1995 with all types of large protected areas (national parks, regional and nature reserves, biosphere reserves, ...) within the scope of the Alpine Convention to contribute to its implementation through concrete actions. The signatory countries of this international treaty are Austria, Germany, France, Italy, the Principalities of Liechtenstein and Monaco, Slovenia and Switzerland.

ALPARC realizes since many years projects and activities about:
- The preservation of biodiversity and the establishment of an ecological continuum,
- Regional development and quality of life in alpine regions
- Environmental education and awareness raising of the Alpine Mountain.

 The new structure will further strengthen the implementation of major international projects on these topics.

The constituent assembly of ALPARC elected its Board of Directors, which consists of managers of protected areas in all Alpine countries. ALPARC is represented by its elected presidents: Michael Vogel, director of the National Park Berchtesgaden (D), Alain Brandeis, Director of the Mercantour National Park (F) and Wolfgang Platter, Director of the Stelvio National Park (I) 

Contact :
ALPARC / Maison des Parcs et de la Montagne / Chambéry
Tel : +33 (0)4 79 26 55 00

ALPARC - La Rete delle Aree Protette Alpine

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