Kick-off of the Alpine Space Project HEALPS2: Natural Resources as a Main Driving Force for Promoting Health Tourism in the Alps

mardi, 14 janvier 2020

From December 5th to 6th, HEALPS2 partners met for the first time in Salzburg (AT) to identify the first important actions to be developed for the project’s starting phase.

HEALPS2 is integrated into ALPARC’s field of work Regional Development and Quality of Life and aims at promoting specific Alpine natural health resources supposed to support the wellbeing of people and insert them into regional tourism concepts and strategies. Specifically, medical studies have shown that some Alpine natural resources have a positive impact on civilisation diseases such as asthma and rheumatism. Hence, the healing potential of those resources shall be further exploited while taking into account preservation issues allowing for a sustainable use. The project will overall contribute to the positioning of the Alpine Space as globally attractive and health-promoting location.

For the duration of two and a half years, 11 partners will work together on the potential of Alpine health resources as an innovation factor for regional development. The Lead Partner of this project is the Paracelsus Medical University based in Salzburg (AT). ALPARC will lead the work-package communication and stand in for the position of various protected areas and their development strategies.

For further information:

The Facebook page of the project: 


HEALPS2 is an Interreg Alpine Space project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

ALPARC - Le Réseau Alpin des Espaces Protégés

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