13th Edition of Fotografare il Parco – "Capture the Emotions that Nature Gives You"

mercredi, 22 janvier 2020

Please scroll down to find the winning photos! 

Fotografare il Parco is an international photo contest, organized originally by Stelvio National Park (IT) in 2005 and later joined by three other National parks: Gran Paradiso (IT), Abruzzo Lazio e Molise (IT) and La Vanoise (FR). In 2019, the 13th edition of the contest took place and gathered hundreds of photographers, both professionals and amateurs, from all over the Alpine countries. The jury select ed the three winning photos from the 3,200 photo submissions from nearly 450 photographers. These photos reflected ideas of modern history by displaying the narrative vision of nature. The competition gives the occasion to protected mountain area visitors to express their passion through naturalistic photos. 

In 2020, ALPARC will be supporting this event once more. For more information:  

ALPARC - Le Réseau Alpin des Espaces Protégés

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