

ALPARC podpira sodelovanje

med zavarovanimi območji Alpskega loka za trajnostno upravljanje, spoštljivo do naravnih virov


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ki temelji na krajevnih virih in ljudi postavlja v središče, da zagotavlja ohranjanje in varstvo narave

ALPARC je Mreža zavarovanih območij v Alpah, kipovezuje več sto alpskih zavarovanih območij vseh vrst, od Francije do Slovenije.
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New publication: landscape as an opportunity. A touristic analysis for potential

0, 04.10.2021

Landscape in Switzerland is under continuous pressure due to demographic change, mobility, intensive agriculture and tourism growth. Endangered species amount for 36% of the assessed plant animal and fungus species. Consequently, the Swiss tourism branche should have a resource protecting attitude towards landscape. Discussions regarding protection and long term use of scarce resources need to be objective and on a high quality level. However, large parts of the tourism branche still perceive the conservation of landscape quality as an obstacle to development, limiting the region’s potential. The Corona pandemic led to an breaking of global tourist flows and high-quality inland tourism might become highly important for Swiss tourism providers. Hence, the promotion of landscapes’ attractiveness must be understood as an impulse measure for stimulating Swiss tourism on different levels. The study, commissioned by the Federal Office for the Environment and conducted by Schmid Pelli & Partner, aims at delivering a constructive input for the cooperation among landscape experts and tourism stakeholders in order to increase consciousness on the quality of landscape as a change and development potential for Swiss tourism.

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ALPARC - Mreža zavarovanih območij v Alpah

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