

ALPARC sostiene la cooperazione

fra le aree protette dell’Arco alpino per una gestione sostenibile che rispetti le risorse naturali


Protezione della biodiversità

e conservazione di un ambiente di qualità


Salvaguardia del legame fra l’uomo

in particolare i giovani, e l’ambiente naturale


Sviluppo regionale

basato sulle risorse locali che mette al centro le persone per garantire la protezione e la conservazione della natura

ALPARC è la Rete delle Aree Protette Alpine, che riunisce centinaia di aree protette di tutti i tipi collocate nelle Alpi, dalla Francia alla Slovenia.
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Registration for Youth at the Top 2022 is open

Mercoledì, 02 Marzo 2022

The 8th edition of the international event Youth at the Top will take place on July 12th 2022 (and the night of July 12th to 13th). Registration is now open! The common topic of this year’s edition is “Water in all its forms”. Protected areas, organizations, youth associations, local professionals, and refuges from all over the Alps and the Carpathians are all invited to take part in this international event and to plan an educational activity on the common theme.

What is it?

Youth at the Top is an international event that aims to help young people (re)discover nature and connect to their mountain heritage. It is organized through local events that take place simultaneously in different countries across the Alps and Carpathians. It has a highly symbolic dimension as hundreds of young people go out and experience nature on a single date through an overnight stay in the mountains. Each registered organization is invited to plan a hike, an overnight stay in the mountains, an activity on the common topic “Water in all its forms” and other educational activities to help the younger generation reconnect with the mountain environment. The project leaves a lot of leeway to the participating organizations to organize local events according to their goals and capabilities. Important notice: The terms of the 2022 edition might depend of the evolution of the covid-crisis.

Who is the event for?

Youth at the Top is for all kinds of young people from 6 to 25 years old. Young people living in the Alpine and Carpathians valleys are highly encouraged to get involved.

Register your event online by April 15th 2022

To register for the 2022 edition, you are invited to briefly describe the activities you have planned to do over the two days on this online form. Once registered, your event and the description given will be displaced on the event section of the Youth at the Top website. Filling out this form does not commit you in any way; it simply shows your motivation to take part in the event. Participation is free of charge. ALPARC members can be awarded a grant for their event organization under certain conditions. Further information will be given once you’ve sent your form.

For more information

• Watch the 2021 “best of” video
• Read the project sheet
• Visit the project website

The 8th edition of Youth at the Top is coordinated by ALPARC with the financial support of the Principality of Monaco.

Photo: © UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch

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ALPARC - La Rete delle Aree Protette Alpine

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