Creation of a Youth Advisory Board in the Prealpi Giulie Natural Park

jeudi, 14 juin 2018

One of the latest items of news from the Prealpi Giulie Natural Park concerns the foundation of a Youth Advisory Board. As of the day of its foundation there are 13 members, aged 16-30, some of them having had experience of the Junior Ranger program. The board acts as a forum with a regulation approved by the board of the park.

The primary objective is integrating the needs and wishes of the younger generation in order to keep the six municipalities active. In this direction, spokesperson Verena Ambrosino explains: “we want to engage in transboundary connection, in cooperation with the Triglav National park and the Bayerischer Wald Nationalpark, in order to have common projects with other young people and keep our territory alive.”

The first project the youth board will manage is the 4TH edition of Youth at the Top. Hence, it will be the youth representatives themselves who will plan activities for other youngsters to spend together one day and one night in the mountains.

In the next months the park board will also allocate a budget to the Youth Advisory Board which will give them the financial means to get initiatives started.

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