Montag, 10 Juni 2019
The Links4Soils summer school will take place from June 10th of June to 14th 2019…
Samstag, 01 Juni 2019
The eighth consecutive edition of the Fiera della Sosteniblità will take place under the sign…
Freitag, 24 Mai 2019
“Our Natural Treasures”: in 2019, the European Days of Parks is a call to reconnect…
Dienstag, 14 Mai 2019
Come to the international conference "Learning and networking for sustainable development in the Alps -…
Dienstag, 09 April 2019
Europarc organise the XI Charter Network Meeting. It takes place in Greece (Tzoumerka, Acheloos Valley,…
Mittwoch, 03 April 2019
Like its bigger sister, the quadrennial AlpWeek, Alpweek Intermezzo is an international event on sustainable…
Montag, 04 März 2019
Every year, the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention invites journalists on the We are…
Donnerstag, 24 Januar 2019
The 24th Edition of the Danilo Re Memorial – the trophy of the Alpine Protected…
Montag, 03 Dezember 2018
ALPARC has selected the Austrian provinces of Styria and Carinthia and their parks for this…
Freitag, 30 November 2018
The Final conference of the Interreg Alpine Space project GaYA - Governance and youth in…
Mittwoch, 07 November 2018
ALPARC is pleased to invite you to the closing event of the WeWild project (‘We…
Mittwoch, 07 November 2018
During the congress scientists, practitioners, associations, businesses and other stakeholders involved in the…
Dienstag, 30 Oktober 2018
The Mountain Wilderness conference "Find and Encourage Wilderness" will take place on October 30th and…
Dienstag, 30 Oktober 2018
Mountain Wilderness Suisse organise la conférence « Nature sauvage » en collaboration avec CIPRA Suisse, Pro Natura,…
Samstag, 20 Oktober 2018
The National Park Val Grande together with the Ente di Gestione delle Aree Protette dell'Ossola…
Donnerstag, 18 Oktober 2018
BILDUNGSTAGUNG »BNE« - Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung für die Zukunft der Alpen 18.10. – 19.10.2018 im Nationalparkzentrum »Haus der Berge«…
Montag, 08 Oktober 2018
Demand for nature-based activities is growing in the Alps and their protected natural areas. Especially…
Donnerstag, 04 Oktober 2018
This year the Berchtesgaden National Park celebrates its 40th anniversary. This event presents the main…
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